
7.7 Billion

The second operation of the Impact Journalism Movement, 7.7 billion is a media operation that brings together 15 major news media around the world to highlight some 20 local initiatives against exclusion in all its forms.

If two heads are better than one, imagine what 7.7 Billion could accomplish.

Globalization has been a boon to some economies. But it has also highlighted tremendous inequalities, leading to polarization and exclusion in societies around the world. If we are to uphold the basic rights of 7.7 Billion people, we must address the major challenges they face every day. Some are doing just that: encouraging social integration, touring cities to spark dialogue and creating safe spaces to challenge discrimination. To report on these and other local solutions against exclusion, Sparknews presents 7.7 Billion, an editorial program gathering 15 leading news media across the world.

A media operation that brings together 15 news media from around the world

In partnership with the Schwab Foundation and Impact Hub, 15 news media outlets across the world join forces within a collaborative solutions journalism alliance to publish 20 articles. Like the people behind these stories, these newsrooms have different backgrounds, cultures and languages. Still, they have chosen to come together to explore the issues that divide our societies and investigate constructive ways to address them.

7.7 Billion is the second of the Impact Journalism Movement

7.7 Billion succeeds Earth Beats, the first media operation of the Impact Journalism Movement. Sparknews has developed a network of more than 100 media in various fields, from the press to web and TV editors, who want to work with Sparknews to write about the best initiatives to solve the most urgent problems. The Impact Journalism Movement continues this momentum by proposing 4 major events e, 2019 to mobilize editorial staff and citizens on more specific themes: local initiatives against waste, pollution, exclusion and climate change.

2 stories highlighted in 7.7 Billion

A high school for trans people in Argentina: Mocha Celis High School

Mocha Celis High School caught La Nacion‘s attention. In this Argentinean high school, transgender students who have dropped out of school can now complete their studies without fear of discrimination. Currently, 150 students aged 16 to 70 are working towards their high school diploma. The name of the school is extremely important. Born in Tucumán, Mocha Celis was a transvestite known for her fight against violence, murdered after receiving numerous threats from a police officer. She couldn’t read or write. Its history reflects the extreme vulnerability and human rights violations that the transgender community still faces in Argentina. Marginalized, criminalised until recently, trans people have a life expectancy of fewer than 35 years and struggle to access education and find a decent job.

A radio station that carries the voice of migrants in Switzerland: Radio Chiara

While cultural differences tend to divide people, the creators of Radio Chiara, a multilingual Swiss radio station, swim against the tide, trying to transform their differences into a common force. This radio station broadcasts voices, stories and songs from migrants from different countries. The hope is to create a close network between cultures in order to facilitate integration. An article by La Regione.


initiatives for more inclusive societies


newspapers joining the alliance

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